Photonis customer satisfaction score

4,6/5 It is the average customer satisfaction score obtained by Photonis this year.

In October 2022, Photonis conducted a satisfaction survey among its customers specialized in the field of night vision and the overall satisfaction rating of 4.6/5 is very encouraging for the company and the sales department.


The main objective of this survey was to collect the opinion of Photonis customers on various aspects such as product quality, customer support, delivery topic or the availability of marketing and sales information.


Among other comments such as “Serious and responsible company” or “« We have been working with Photonis for several years and we think is the most important company providing night vision equipment. », it was as much possible for our customers to give their opinion on the company in general as on specific subjects.


The score of 4,6/5 is the result of Photonis' continuous improvement of its products and processes as well as its strong taste for innovation and human relations. Photonis is therefore convinced of the importance of these efforts and will continue in 2023 to renew itself in order to always satisfy its customers.