
4G NIGHT VISION Standard defines the minimum performance specifications giving end-users the capability to operate MULTI-MISSION NIGHT VISION. 4G NIGHT VISION Standard also implies a modification of the Military Standards of Night Vision testing. From the lowest light levels of desertic areas in Afghanistan (defined at Night Level 6 or less than 100µlx) up to the very demanding aerial applications.

image intensifier tube 4G

Challenging the complexity of light

4G NIGHT VISION is a set of capabilities described by minimum specifications of modern Night Vision to deliver to end-users the highest performance in all field conditions.


image intensifier tube 4G

Latest research & Technology

Indeed the latest Research and Technology development brought Image Intensifier Tube performance to levels where it had never reached before.


image intensifier tube 4G

Night Vision testing

On the other hand, the existing Military Standards of Night Vision testing was also proving unable to distinguish between highest performing tubes. The findings of tests in laboratory proved contradictory to the actual performances in the field.


Technology & performance

4G NIGHT VISION Standard is not about Technology, it is all about performance and capabilities delivered to end-users. Challenging the Complexity of Light.

image intensifier tube 4G

1 - An Extended Bandwidth

An Extended Bandwidth of photon collection to deliver a consistently high image quality in all environments (from below 400nm to above 900nm)

2 - High FOM

A FOM (figure of merit being Signal to Noise Ratio times the Resolution : SNR* R) above 1800.

3 - High resolution

A Resolution always superior to 57 lp/mm even in the most polluted light environments such as urban areas or when entering a building where the light is suddenly switched on

4 - Small halo

A typical 0.75mm halo around the brightest objects seen in the image to provide the highest details around the light sources

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Image intensifier tube 4G